Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schrader

Photo of Andreas  Schrader

Professor for Ambient Computing

University of Lübeck
Institute of Telematics
Ratzeburger Allee 160

23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, 3rd Floor, Raum 42

Email: schrader(at)
Phone: +49 451 3101 6420

Head of the Ambient Computing Working group


Field of Work

Ambient Computing realizes interactive and context-sensitive multimedia applications in ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems. Our many projects focus on different application domains in healthcare and edutainment, e.g. ambient hospital, ambient care, ambient skills labs, ambient gaming, etc. The group develops frameworks for context-aware smart environments supporting dynamic (semi-)automatic composition of interactive hardware and software ensembles. 


Topic Type Status



Lea C. Brandl, and Andreas Schrader,
Serious Games in Higher Education in the Transforming Process to Education 4.0---Systematized Review, Education Sciences , vol. 14, 03 2024.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Serious Games in Higher Education in the Transforming Process to Education 4.0---Systematized Review},
  author = {Brandl, Lea C. and Schrader, Andreas},
  year = {2024},
  month = mar,
  journal = {Education Sciences},
  volume = {14},
  number = {3},
  pages = {281},
  publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute},
  issn = {2227-7102},
  doi = {10.3390/educsci14030281},
  urldate = {2024-03-07},
  abstract = {The digital transformation associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution is having an impact on the way we teach. Under the term Education 4.0, new teaching methods, new technologies, as well as a student-centered approach, are expected to be used in teaching. One established method of teaching is the use of Serious Games, as it has various positive effects in terms of motivation and engagement. This paper deals with the question of how the transformation towards Education 4.0 influences the way Serious Games are designed and used in the context of higher education. To this end, a systematized literature review was conducted. Out of 550 publications, 28 were included. This revealed works on the general conception as well as studies on Serious Games in various areas of university teaching. The results show different concepts of Serious Games, with the structure often being adapted to learning content and not to students. In terms of technical implementation, Serious Games are mostly web- or desktop-applications instead of new technologies such as VR. As a result, new concepts seem necessary to adapt Serious Games to Education 4.0. In the future, we want to design Serious Games that respond flexibly to students' needs and make it easy to integrate new technologies.},
  copyright = {},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Education 4.0,higher education,serious games,systematized review},
Lea C. Brandl, and Andreas Schrader,
Student Player Types in Higher Education—Trial and Clustering Analyses, Education Sciences , vol. 14, 03 2024.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Student {{Player Types}} in {{Higher Education}}---{{Trial}} and {{Clustering Analyses}}},
  author = {Brandl, Lea C. and Schrader, Andreas},
  year = {2024},
  month = apr,
  journal = {Education Sciences},
  volume = {14},
  number = {4},
  pages = {352},
  publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute},
  issn = {2227-7102},
  doi = {10.3390/educsci14040352},
  urldate = {2024-03-27},
  copyright = {},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {education,player types,serious gaming}
Susan Brauer, Lea C. Brandl, Merle Marie Borrello, Maria Lindner, Christoph Klann, Katrin Balzer, and Andreas Schrader,
Analyse und Evaluation von digitalen Notiz-Applikationen zur Erstellung und Bearbeitung individueller Handlungsleitfäden während einer Skills-Lab Übung, 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), Dresden, 08.09. - 13.09.2024, German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2024.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Analyse und {Evaluation} von digitalen {Notiz}-{Applikationen} zur {Erstellung} und {Bearbeitung} individueller {Handlungsleitfäden} während einer {Skills} {Lab} Übung},
	copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
	doi = {10.3205/24GMDS216},
	language = {de},
	journal = {Gesundheit – gemeinsam. Kooperationstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie (DGMS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Public Health (DGPH)},
	author = {Brauer, Susan and Brandl, Lea C. and Borrello, Merle M. and Lindner, Maria and Klann, Christoph and Balzer, Katrin and Schrader, Andreas},
	year = {2024},
	publisher= {German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	keywords = {digitale Anwendungen, Lehrforschung, Medicine and health, Skills Labs},
Lea C. Brandl, Susan Brauer, Merle Marie Borrello, Maria Lindner, Christoph Klann, Katrin Balzer, and Andreas Schrader,
Prototyp einer ambienten Zeitanzeige zur Unterstützung des Zeitmanagements Studierender der Pflege und Hebammenwissenschaften während einer Skills Lab Übung, 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), Dresden, 8.09.-13.09.2024, German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2024.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Prototyp einer ambienten {Zeitanzeige} zur {Unterstützung} des {Zeitmanagements} {Studierender} der {Pflege} und {Hebammenwissenschaften} während einer {Skills} {Lab} Übung},
	copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International},
	doi = {10.3205/24GMDS215},
	language = {de},
	journal = {Gesundheit – gemeinsam. Kooperationstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi), Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie (DGMS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Public Health (DGPH)},
	author = {Brandl, Lea C. and Brauer, Susan and Borrello, Merle M. and Lindner, Maria and Klann, Christoph and Balzer, Katrin and Schrader, Andreas},
	year = {2024},
	publisher = {German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	keywords = {digitale Anwendungen, Lehrforschung, Medicine and health, Skills Labs},


Lea C. Brandl, Börge Kordts, and Andreas Schrader,
Technological Challenges of Ambient Serious Games in Higher Education, in Workshop "Making A Real Connection, Pro-Social Collaborative Play in Extended Realities – Trends, Challenges and Potentials" at 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (Making A Real Connection, MUM ’23) , Dez.2023.
Datei: Brandl_et_al._-_2023_-_Technological_Challenges_of_Ambient_Serious_Games.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Technological {{Challenges}} of {{Ambient Serious Games}} in {{Higher Education}}},
  author = {Brandl, Lea and Kordts, Börge and Schrader, Andreas},
  date = {2023-11-27},
  location = {{Vienna, Austria}},
  doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.23377.10085/1},
  abstract = {Naturally, university courses should be designed to attract students, engaging them to achieve learning goals. Toward this end, the use of Serious Games has been proposed in the literature. To address positive effects, such as content memorability and attendance rates, we propose Ambient Serious Games as games embedded in a computer-enriched environment, which is only partially perceived mentally by players. In this paper, we describe five technological key challenges that must be overcome to seamlessly and beneficially integrate an Ambient Serious Game into teaching. These challenges, derived from a scenario, focus on the technological provision and conduct of such games based on a software platform. They include (1) the integration of physical smart learning objects in heterogeneous environments under dynamic constraints, (2) the representation of abstract subject matter using smart learning objects, (3) the guided or automatic connection of all involved components, (4) the explanation of the components, their interaction, as well as the serious game itself, and (5) feedback on the game state.},
  eventtitle = {22nd {{International Conference}} on {{Mobile}} and {{Ubiquitous Multimedia}} ({{MUM}} 2023)}
Lea C. Brandl, and Andreas Schrader,
Clustering on Player Types of Students in Health Science - Trial and Data Analyses, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , vol. 307, pp. 89--95, 2023.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Clustering on {{Player Types}} of {{Students}} in {{Health Science}} - {{Trial}} and {{Data Analyses}}},
  author = {Brandl, Lea C. and Schrader, Andreas},
  year = {2023},
  month = sep,
  journal = {Studies in Health Technology and Informatics},
  volume = {307},
  pages = {89--95},
  issn = {1879-8365},
  doi = {10.3233/SHTI230698},
  abstract = {Gamification has many positive effects, such as increased motivation, engagement, and well-being of users. For this purpose, a wide field of game mechanics is already available that can be used in teaching. For the development of gamified teaching methods, it's important to adapt the mechanics used to the students. There are different models that divide target groups of games and gamification into player types to understand what motivates the respective users. This paper describes a study of player types among students of health-related disciplines and analyses the data by a K-Means clustering procedure. The player types Socializer, Player and Achiever are found, and game elements for this groups are suggested. Thus, in the field of health education, game mechanics can be used, which are suitable for students of this domain.},
  langid = {english},
  pmid = {37697841},
  keywords = {Cluster Analysis,Data Analysis,Gamification,Health education,Health Education,Humans,Motivation,Player type,Students},
location = {Heilbronn, Germany}

Susan Brauer, Lea C. Brandl, Jan Patrick Kopetz, Andreas Schrader, Wendy Janßen, Victoria Köster, Fabian Kohrs, Janne Menz, and Robert Schumann,
Digital gestützte Vermittlung der Atemstimulierenden Einreibung – prototypische Entwicklung einer smarten Weste, German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2023. pp. DocAbstr. 224.
Datei: Dateilink
Bibtex: BibTeX
	title = {Digital gestützte {Vermittlung} der {Atemstimulierenden} {Einreibung} – prototypische {Entwicklung} einer smarten {Weste}},
	copyright = {This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.},
	doi = {10.3205/23gmds117},
	publisher = {German Medical Science GMS Publishing House},
	author = {Brauer, Susan and Brandl, Lea C. and Kopetz, Jan Patrick and Schrader, Andreas and Janßen, Wendy and Köster, Victoria and Kohrs, Fabian and Menz, Janne and Schumann, Robert},
	month = September,
	year = {2023},
	keywords = {Digital Health, Digitale Lehre, Wearable Electronic Device},
	pages = {DocAbstr. 224},
Finn Stoldt, Lea C. Brandl, and Andreas Schrader,
Pervasive Serious Game for Exam Preparation: Exploring the Motivational Effects of Game Narratives, in Serious Games , Haahr, Mads and Rojas-Salazar, Alberto and Göbel, Stefan, Eds. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. pp. 439--446.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Pervasive {{Serious Game}} for {{Exam Preparation}}: {{Exploring}} the {{Motivational Effects}} of {{Game Narratives}}},
  shorttitle = {Pervasive {{Serious Game}} for {{Exam Preparation}}},
  booktitle = {Serious {{Games}}},
  author = {Stoldt, Finn and Brandl, Lea C. and Schrader, Andreas},
  editor = {Haahr, Mads and Rojas-Salazar, Alberto and Göbel, Stefan},
  date = {2023},
  series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Computer Science}}},
  pages = {439--446},
  publisher = {{Springer Nature Switzerland}},
  location = {{Cham}},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-44751-8_40},
  abstract = {German students have a high level of stress due to exam anxiety and performance requirements. Serious games can help improve students’ well-being and performance. The principle of pervasive games also brings many opportunities. Regarding the design of such games, there is still no consensus on which game design elements bring positive effects in which contexts. In this paper, we present a new pervasive serious game for exam preparation. The game design was adapted to investigate the relationship between motivation and game narrative. A pilot study’s results show that the presence of a game narrative did not affect the subjects’ motivation. However, the thematic relationship between the game narrative and learning content seemed to be important for the subjects’ motivation. Overall, most of the subjects enjoyed the game and could imagine preparing for exams with such games in the future.},
  isbn = {978-3-031-44751-8},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Motivation,Narrative,Pervasive Game,Serious Game},


Börge Kordts, Bennet Gerlach, and Andreas Schrader,
Self-Organizing and Self-Explaining Pervasive Environments by Connecting Smart Objects and Applications, Technologies , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15, 2022.
Datei: Kordts_et_al._-_2022_-_Self-Organizing_and_Self-Explaining_Pervasive_Envi.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Self-{{Organizing}} and {{Self-Explaining Pervasive Environments}} by {{Connecting Smart Objects}} and {{Applications}}},
  author = {B{\"o}rge Kordts and Bennet Gerlach and Andreas Schrader},
  year = {2022},
  month ={feb},
  journal = {Technologies},
  volume = {10},
  number = {1},
  pages = {15},
  doi = {10.3390/technologies10010015},
  url = {},
  copyright = {},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {ambient applications,ensembling,self-organisation,self-reflection,smart object guidance}
Frederike Lüth, Adrienne Henkel, Susan Brauer, Lea C. Brandl, Andreas Schrader, and Katrin Balzer,
Digitale Unterstützung der Skills Trainings im Pflegestudiengang: Ergebnisse der Bedarfsanalyse (Vortrag), 2022.
Bibtex: BibTeX
AUTHOR={Frederike L{\"u}th and Adrienne Henkel and Susan Brauer and Lea Brandl and Andreas Schrader and Katrin Balzer},
TITLE={Digitale Unterst{\"u}tzung der Skills Trainings im Pflegestudiengang: Ergebnisse der Bedarfsanalyse (Vortrag)},
BOOKTITLE={5. Clusterkonferenz Zukunft der Pflege - Technologie bewegt Pflege},
ADDRESS={Freiburg Germany},
KEYWORDS={Skills Labs, Ambient Care, Pflege}


Börge Kordts, Jan Patrick Kopetz, and Andreas Schrader,
A Framework for Self-Explaining Systems in the Context of Intensive Care, in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self- Organizing Systems (ACSOS) , Washington DC, USA: IEEE, 2021.
Datei: ACSOS52086.2021.00040
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {A {{Framework}} for {{Self}}-{{Explaining Systems}} in the {{Context}} of {{Intensive Care}}},
  booktitle = {2021 {{IEEE International Conference}} on {{Autonomic Computing}} and {{Self}}- {{Organizing Systems}} ({{ACSOS}})},
  author = {B{\"o}rge Kordts and Jan Patrick Kopetz and Andreas Schrader},
  year = {2021},
  month = sep,
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  address = {{Washington DC, USA}},
  doi = {10.1109/ACSOS52086.2021.00040},
  isbn = {978-1-66541-261-2},
Kathleen Anderson, Börge Kordts, and Andreas Schrader,
A Novel 3D Editor for Gesture Design Based on Labanotation, in Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) , Black, Nancy L. and Neumann, W. Patrick and Noy, Ian, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. pp. 577--584.
Datei: 978-3-030-74614-8_71
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Kathleen Anderson and B{\"o}rge Kordts and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {A {{Novel 3D Editor}} for {{Gesture Design Based}} on {{Labanotation}}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st {{Congress}} of the {{International Ergonomics Association}} (IEA 2021)},
  editor = {Black, Nancy L. and Neumann, W. Patrick and Noy, Ian},
  series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Networks}} and {{Systems}}},
  volume = {},
  year = {2021},
  pages = {577--584},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  address = {Cham},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-74614-8_71},
  isbn = {978-3-030-74614-8},
  keywords = {Documentation,Interaction design,Labanotation,Natural user interface,Usability testing},
  language = {en}
Marina Ziewe, Börge Kordts, and Andreas Schrader,
Market Analysis and User Evaluation of Input Devices for a Communication System in the Intensive Care Unit, in Student Conference Proceedings 2021 , Lübeck, Germany: Infinite Science Publishing, 2021.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Marina Ziewe and B{\"o}rge Kordts and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Market Analysis and User Evaluation of Input Devices for a Communication System in the   Intensive Care Unit},
  booktitle = {Student Conference Proceedings 2021},
  address = {L\"ubeck, Germany},
  year = {2021},
  publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
  isbn = {978-3-945954-65-2}
Börge Kordts, Bennet Gerlach, and Andreas Schrader,
Towards Self-Explaining Ambient Applications, in The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference , New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021. pp. 383–390.
Datei: Kordts_et_al._-_2021_-_Towards_Self-Explaining_Ambient_Applications.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {B\"{o}rge Kordts and Bennet Gerlach and Andreas Schrader},
title = {Towards Self-Explaining Ambient Applications},
booktitle = {The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference  (PETRA 2021},
year = {2021},
month = {June},
pages  = {383--390},
isbn = {9781450387927},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3453892.3461325},
abstract = { In the past decade, pervasive environments have emerged from promising research concepts to available products present in our everyday lives. By connecting multiple smart objects, device ensembles can be formed to assist users in performing tasks. Furthermore, smart objects can be used to control applications, that, in turn, can be used to control other smart objects. While dynamically connecting these components allows for solutions tailored to the needs and respective tasks of a user, it obfuscates the handling and ultimately may decrease usability. Self-descriptions have been proposed to overcome this issue for ensembles of smart objects. For a more extensive approach, descriptions of applications in pervasive environments need to be addressed as well. Based on previous research in the context of self-explainability of smart objects, we propose a description language as well as a framework to support self-explaining ambient applications (applications that are used within smart environments). The framework can be used to dynamically connect smart objects as well as ambient applications and to realize self-explainability for these interconnected device and application ensembles. },
booktitle = {The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference},
pages = {383–390},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {ambient applications, smart object guidance, self-reflection},
location = {Corfu, Greece}


Carolin Siegert, Björn Hauptmann, Nicole Jochems, Andreas Schrader, and Ruth Deck,
ParkProTrain: an individualized, tablet-based physiotherapy training programme aimed at improving quality of life and participation restrictions in PD patients -- a study protocol for a quasi-randomized, longitudinal and sequential multi-method study, BMC Neurology , vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 143, 2019.
Datei: s12883-019-1355-x
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Siegert, Carolin and Hauptmann, Bj{\"o}rn and Jochems, Nicole and Schrader, Andreas and Deck, Ruth},
title={ParkProTrain: an individualized, tablet-based physiotherapy training programme aimed at improving quality of life and participation restrictions in PD patients -- a study protocol for a quasi-randomized, longitudinal and sequential multi-method study},
journal={BMC Neurology},
abstract={Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Patients suffer from a variety of motor and non-motor symptoms that severely affect their daily lives and quality of life. In many cases, a three-week inpatient Parkinson's complex treatment (MKP) can improve the overall condition and quality of life of patients in a short time. In the outpatient sector, however, there is often a lack of human resources and structures necessary for the interdisciplinary treatment of the disease. To support PD patients in continuing the physical exercises they learned from the MKP on a regular basis, a tablet-based training programme will be developed in which exercises can be adjusted to the patient's abilities. This programme is expected to increase quality of life and social participation, as well as delay the progression of the impairment.}

J. P. Kopetz, B. Kordts, N. Jochems, and A. Schrader,
Gesture Tutorials for a Novel Interaction Device, in {Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz Innovative Technologien für die Pflege} , Berlin, Germany , 2019. pp. 16.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {J. P. Kopetz and B. Kordts and N. Jochems and A. Schrader}
  title = {Gesture Tutorials for a Novel Interaction Device},
  booktitle = {{Zukunft der Pflege. Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz Innovative Technologien für die Pflege}},
  year = {2019},
  month = {September},
  day = {16--19},
  pages = {16},
  address = {Berlin, Germany},
  langid = {german}
Benjamin Paulsen, Börge Kordts, Bennet Gerlach, and Andreas Schrader,
Towards General-Purpose Sensing in Medical Care, in Proceedings of the Student Conference of the BioMedTec Science Camous Lübeck 2019 , Infinite Science Publishing, 2019.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author = {Benjamin Paulsen and Börge Kordts and Bennet Gerlach and Andreas Schrader},
 title = {Towards {{General}}-{{Purpose Sensing}} in {{Medical Care}}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Student Conference of the BioMedTec Science Camous Lübeck 2019},
 year = {2019},
 date = {6.-8. March},
 pages = {},
 publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
 organization = {Infinite Science Publishing}  
Börge Kordts, Jan Patrick Kopetz, Adrienne Henkel, Andreas Schrader, and Nicole Jochems,
Requirements and Interaction Patterns for a Novel Interaction Device for Patients in Intensive Care, i-com , vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 67--78, 2019.
Datei: icom-2019-0004.xml
Bibtex: BibTeX
  title = {Requirements and {{Interaction Patterns}} for a {{Novel Interaction Device}} for {{Patients}} in {{Intensive Care}}},
  journal = {i-com},
  date = {2019},
  volume = {18},
  number = {1},
  pages = {67--78},
  issn = {2196-6826},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1515/icom-2019-0004},
  abstract = {Intensive care patients that are weaned from mechanical ventilation are facing substantial physical and psychical stress. Due to the breathing tube, they often cannot voice their basic needs adequately. Possible consequences, amongst other complications, are a prolonged healing process and a delirium. To address this issue and support patient communication in intensive care, we provide a solution tailored to patients that are dealing with limited cognitive and physiological abilities, hindering them to use traditional devices efficiently. For this purpose, we develop a novel interaction device tailored to the special situation of in-bed interaction.},
  keywords = {Ambient Computing,Augmentative and Alternative Communication,Human Centered Design,Human-Computer Interaction,Intensive Care Unit,Mechanical Ventilation,Weaning},
  author = {Börge Kordts and Jan Patrick Kopetz and Adrienne Henkel and Andreas Schrader and Nicole Jochems},
  urldate = {2019-04-17}
Jan Patrick Kopetz, Börge Kordts, Andreas Schrader, and Nicole Jochems,
Rufsystem 4.0 in der Intensivpflege – Brücke zwischen PatientInnen und Pflegenden, Poster of der European Nursing Informatics 2019, Flensburg, Germany , 2019.
Datei: RG.2.2.10166.45120
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Jan Patrick Kopetz and Börge Kordts and Andreas Schrader and Nicole Jochems},
  title = {Rufsystem 4.0 in der Intensivpflege – Brücke zwischen PatientInnen und Pflegenden},
  address = {Poster of der European Nursing Informatics 2019, Flensburg, Germany},
  langid = {german},
  doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.10166.45120},
  url = {},
  abstract = {Rufsystem 4.0 in der Intensivpflege – Brücke zwischen Patienten und Pflegenden

Klassische Patientenrufsysteme sind elektronische Meldesysteme, die – beispielsweise in Krankenhäusern – genutzt werden, um Pflegenden über optische Signale Anliegen von Patientinnen und Patienten aufzuzeigen. Dies erfordert, dass Pflegende nach Wahrnehmung des Rufes aktiv in das Patientenzimmer gehen und im Gespräch die konkreten Anliegen abfragen müssen. Problematisch ist dies bei beatmeten Intensivpatienten im Weaning, die in ihrer Kommunikationsfähigkeit stark eingeschränkt sind und so ihre Anliegen nur mit unterstützter Kommunikation mitteilen können. In dieser Interaktion zwischen Pflegenden und Weaning-Patienten fehlen effektive Methoden zur unterstützten Kommunikation, und daher wird diese Kommunikation oftmals als belastend empfunden [1].

Im Rahmen des multidisziplinären Verbundprojekts ACTIVATE wird ein soziotechnisches interaktives System zur Förderung der Re-Orientierung von und Kommunikation mit beatmeten Patienten – insbesondere in der Weaning-Phase – entwickelt. Dazu wird unter anderem ein Modul zur Optimierung der Fernkommunikation in Form eines innovativen Rufsystems erforscht und entwickelt. In unserem Konzept können Patienten ihr Anliegen basierend auf einem Themenkatalog spezifizieren und drahtlos eine entsprechende Nachricht senden. Das System organisiert dabei entsprechend automatisch die jeweilige Zuordnung an das korrekte mobile Endgerät der zuständigen Pflegekraft unter Berücksichtigung von Kontext, Status und Aufgabenverteilung. Hierzu steht den Patienten ein spezialisiertes Eingabegerät zur Verfügung. Pflegende können den Eingang der Nachricht bestätigen und über das System Feedback – beispielsweise eine Lesebestätigung – senden.

Für das Personal bietet das Konzept die Vorteile, dass unnötige Wege eingespart werden können und eine umständliche Erfragung der Anliegen entfällt oder vereinfacht wird. Patienten profitieren ebenfalls von der Möglichkeit, Anliegen einfacher mitzuteilen. Das Feedback kann Ungewissheit reduzieren, ob der Ruf wahrgenommen wurde. Dabei wird auf Basis von Priorisierung, der Möglichkeit der Rufdelegation und weiterer Mechanismen bspw. durch Einbindung von Servicekräften ein effizienter Nachrichtenfluss gewährleistet. Potenziell hinderliche Faktoren für die Akzeptanz sind zum einen, dass zu detailliertes Feedback an den Patienten Erwartungen wecken und so Druck auf die Pflegenden ausüben könnte, dem diese aufgrund der hohen Arbeitsbelastung nicht gerecht werden können. Zum anderen besteht ein Risiko, dass der Einsatz weiterer Technik zunächst als Mehraufwand wahrgenommen und abgelehnt wird. Diese Aspekte wurden bei der Entwicklung berücksichtigt.

[1] Abuatiq, A. (2015). Patients’ and health care providers’ perception of stressors in the intensive care units. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 34(4), 205–214.},
  type = {Poster},
  date = {2019-09-05},
  author = {Kopetz, Jan Patrick and Kordts, Börge and Schrader, Andreas and Jochems, Nicole}


J. Wollgast, A. Schrader, and T. Mentler,
{Text Input in Hospital Settings using IoT Device Ensembles}, in The 20th Congress International Ergonomics Association (IEA'2018) , Florence, Italy , 2018.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author        = {J. Wollgast and A. Schrader and T. Mentler},
  title         = {{Text Input in Hospital Settings using IoT Device Ensembles}},
  booktitle     = {The 20th Congress International Ergonomics Association (IEA'2018)},
  year          = {2018},
  month = {August},
 day = {26.-30.},
  address = { Florence, Italy},
  pages = {},
  isbn = {}
D. Burmeister, B. Gerlach, and A. Schrader,
{Formal Definition of the Smart Object Matching Problem}, in The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT'2018) , Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 2018. pp. 302--309.
Datei: j.procs.2018.04.043
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author        = {D. Burmeister and B. Gerlach and A. Schrader},
  title         = {{Formal Definition of the Smart Object Matching Problem}},
  booktitle     = {The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT'2018)},
 journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
 volume = {130},
 number = {C},
 year = {2018},
 month = {May 2018},
 pages = {302--309},
 numpages = {8},
 issn = {1877-0509},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.043},
 acmid = {3223589},
 publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.},
  year          = {2018},
  date-added    = {2018-06-04 08:28:52 +0000},
  date-modified = {2018-06-04 08:28:52 +0000},
D. Burmeister, and A. Schrader,
{Runtime Generation and Delivery of Guidance for Smart Object Ensembles}, in 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE'2018) - Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering , Orlando, Florida, USA: Springer International Publishing, 2018. pp. 287--296.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author        = {D. Burmeister and A. Schrader},
  title         = {{Runtime Generation and Delivery of Guidance for Smart Object Ensembles}},
  booktitle     = {9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE'2018) - Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering},
  year          = {2018},
  month = {July 23-25},
  address = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
  pages = {287--296},
  publisher={Springer International Publishing},
  isbn = {},
  date-added    = {2018-06-04 08:28:52 +0000},
  date-modified = {2018-06-04 08:28:52 +0000}


Daniel Burmeister, Andreas Schrader, and Bashar Altakrouri,
{Reflective Interaction Capabilities by Use of Ambient Manuals for an Ambient Light Control}, in 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2016), Toronto, Canada , Springer, 17..2016. pp. 409--415.
Datei: 978-3-319-40542-1_66
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader and Bashar Altakrouri}, 
title = {{Reflective Interaction Capabilities by Use of Ambient Manuals for an Ambient Light Control}}, 
booktitle = {18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2016), Toronto, Canada}, 
year = {2016},
month = {17.-22. July},
pages = {409--415},
publisher= {Springer},
url = {}


Daniel Burmeister, Nicolai Petter, and Andreas Schrader,
{Dynamic and Constraint-based building of Ambient Applications with Self-Reflective Smart Objects }, Procedia Computer Science: 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, ANT-2017 and the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology, SEIT 2017, 16-19 May 2017, Madeira, Portugal , vol. 109, pp. 458--465, 2017. Elsevier.
Datei: S1877050917309663
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author ={Daniel Burmeister and Nicolai Petter and Andreas Schrader},
 title ={{Dynamic and Constraint-based building of Ambient Applications with Self-Reflective Smart Objects }},
 journal ={Procedia Computer Science: 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, ANT-2017 and the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology, SEIT 2017, 16-19 May 2017, Madeira, Portugal},
 year ={2017},
 volume ={109},
 pages = {458--465},
 publisher ={Elsevier},
 issn ={1877-0509}
 doi = {},
 url = {}
 note = {8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, ANT-2017 and the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology, SEIT 2017, 16-19 May 2017, Madeira, Portugal}
Jan Pascal Maas, Daniel Burmeister, and Andreas Schrader,
{Personalized Instructions for Self-reflective Smart Objects}, in The 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017) , Los Angeles, California , 2017. pp. 389--400.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author= {Maas, Jan Pascal and Burmeister, Daniel and Schrader, Andreas},
  title= {{Personalized Instructions for Self-reflective Smart Objects}},
  booktitle= {The 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017)},
 address= {Los Angeles, California},
 month= {July},
  year= {2017},
  pages= {389--400},
  organization= {Springer}

Daniel Burmeister, Florian Burmann, and Andreas Schrader,
{The Smart Object Description Language: Modeling Interaction Capabilities for Self-Reflection}, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops) , Kona, Big Island, Hawaii , 2017. pp. 503--508.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author={Daniel Burmeister and Florian Burmann and Andreas Schrader}, 
booktitle={2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops)}, 
title={{The Smart Object Description Language: Modeling Interaction Capabilities for Self-Reflection}}, 
address={Kona, Big Island, Hawaii},


Bashar Altakrouri, Daniel Burmeister, and Andreas Schrader,
"{Wissenschaft in Lübeck. Trends in Natural User Interfaces}" 15.. 2015.
Datei: TrendsinNaturalUserInterfaces2015.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  Author    = {Bashar Altakrouri and Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader},
  Title    = {{Wissenschaft in Lübeck. Trends in Natural User Interfaces}},
  Institution = {Institut für Telematik},
  Year    = {2015},
  Month    = {15. September},
  Type    = {White Paper},
  Url    = {}


Daniel Burmeister, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
Adaptive Ambiente {Mensch-Technik-Interaktion}, in Zukunft Lebensräume Kongress 2016 (ZL 2016) , Frankfurt, Germany , 2016. pp. 175--180.
Bibtex: BibTeX
AUTHOR={Daniel Burmeister and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
TITLE={Adaptive Ambiente {Mensch-Technik-Interaktion}},
BOOKTITLE={Zukunft Lebensr{\"a}ume Kongress 2016 (ZL 2016)},
ADDRESS={Frankfurt, Germany},
Kristof Stahl, Bashar Altakrouri, Daniel Burmeister, and Andreas Schrader,
{Documentation Generation Tool for Motion-based Interactions}, in 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2016), Toronto, Canada, 17.-22. July 2016 , 2016. pp. 137--143.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Kristof Stahl and Bashar Altakrouri and Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader},
title = {{Documentation Generation Tool for Motion-based Interactions}},
booktitle = {18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2016), Toronto, Canada, 17.-22. July 2016},
year = {2016},
pages = {137--143},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-40542-1_22}
Bashar Altakrouri, Daniel Burmeister, Dennis Boldt, and Andreas Schrader,
{Insights on the Impact of Physical Impairments in Full-Body Motion Gesture Elicitation Studies}, in Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016. pp. 5:1--5:10.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author = {Bashar Altakrouri and Daniel Burmeister and Dennis Boldt and Andreas Schrader},
 title = {{Insights on the Impact of Physical Impairments in Full-Body Motion Gesture Elicitation Studies}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction},
 series = {NordiCHI 2016},
 year = {2016},
 month = {Oktober 23.-26.},
 location = {Göteborg, Schweden},
 pages = {5:1--5:10},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Gestures, elicitation, multimodal input, participatory design, user-defined gestures}
Daniel Burmeister, and Andreas Schrader,
{Interusability durch ambiente Hilfestellung für Interaktion mit dem Internet der Dinge}, in VDE Kongress 2016: Internet der Dinge (VDE Kongress 2016) , Congress Center Rosengarten, Mannheim, Germany: VDE, 2016. pp. 72.
Bibtex: BibTeX
AUTHOR={Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader},
TITLE={{Interusability durch ambiente Hilfestellung für Interaktion mit dem
Internet der Dinge}},
BOOKTITLE={VDE Kongress 2016: Internet der Dinge (VDE Kongress 2016)},
ADDRESS={Congress Center Rosengarten, Mannheim, Germany},
KEYWORDS={Internet of Things; Usability; Ambiente Hilfestellung; Reflexion}


Bashar Altakrouri, Jan Gröschner, and Andreas Schrader,
Documenting Natural Interactions, in ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’2013), Work in Progress Section , Paris, France , 27 .2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Bashar Altakrouri and Jan Gröschner and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Documenting Natural Interactions},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’2013), Work in Progress Section},
  address={Paris, France},
  month={27 April - 2 May},


Ronny Seiger, Bashar Altakrouri, Andreas Schrader, and Thomas Schlegel,
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges (LMIS 2015)., .... Aachen , 2015.
Datei: Vol-1380
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Ronny Seiger and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader and Thomas Schlegel},
  title = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges (LMIS 2015)},
  year = {2015},
  month = {June},
  series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  number = {1380},
  address = {Aachen},
  issn = {1613-0073},
  url = {},
  venue = {Duisburg, Germany}
Daniel Burmeister, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
{Ambient Reflection: Towards self-explaining devices}, in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges, {LMIS} 2015, co-located with 7th {ACM} {SIGCHI} Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2015) , Duisburg, Germany: ACM, 2015. pp. 16--20.
Bibtex: BibTeX
@INPROCEEDINGS {danielburmeisterbasharaltakrouriandreasschrader2015,
author={Daniel Burmeister and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
title={{Ambient Reflection: Towards self-explaining devices}},
booktitle ={Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges, {LMIS} 2015, co-located with 7th {ACM} {SIGCHI} Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2015)},
month={June 23 -- 26},
address={Duisburg, Germany},
Börge Kordts, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
Capturing and analysing movement using depth sensors and Labanotation, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, (EICS 2015) , Duisburg, Germany , 2015. pp. 132--141.
Datei: 2774225.2774842
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Börge Kordts and Bashar Altakrouri and
               Andreas Schrader},
  title     = {{Capturing and analysing movement using depth sensors and Labanotation}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
               Computing Systems, (EICS 2015)},
  year      = {2015},
  month     = {June 23 -- 26},
 address    = {Duisburg, Germany},
  pages     = {132--141},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1145/2774225.2774842}
Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
{Challenging Documentation Practices for Interactions in Natural User Interfaces}, in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive Systems: Approaches and Challenges (LMIS 2015), co-located with 7th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS'15) , Duisburg, Germany:, 2015. pp. 29--34.
Datei: paper4.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
title = {{Challenging Documentation Practices for Interactions in Natural User Interfaces}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Large-scale and Model-based Interactive
Systems: Approaches and Challenges (LMIS 2015), co-located with 7th
ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS'15)},
year = {2015},
month = {June 23 -- 26},
address = {Duisburg, Germany},
pages = {29--34},
publisher = {},
url = {}
Bashar Altakrouri, Andreas Schrader, Simo Hosio, Martin Christof Kindsmüller, and Beat Signer,
{Large-scale Interaction Deployment: Approaches and Challenges}, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, (EICS 2015) , New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015. pp. 292--293.
Datei: 2774225.2777459
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Altakrouri, Bashar and Schrader, Andreas and Hosio, Simo and Kindsm\"{u}ller, Martin Christof and Signer, Beat},
title = {{Large-scale Interaction Deployment: Approaches and Challenges}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive
               Computing Systems, (EICS 2015)},
year = {2015},
month = {June 23 -- 26},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3646-8},
location = {Duisburg, Germany},
pages = {292--293},
numpages = {2},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2774225.2777459},
acmid = {2777459},
keywords = {ambient assisted living, ambient interactions, dynamic interaction deployment, gestures, interaction dissemination, kinetic interactions, natural user interfaces, sharing interactions}


Darren Carlson, and Andreas Schrader,
{Ambient Ocean: A Web Search Engine for Context-aware Smart Resource Discovery}, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings'2014) , Taipei, Taiwan , 2014.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author={Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader},
 title={{Ambient Ocean: A Web Search Engine for Context-aware Smart Resource Discovery}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings'2014)},
 address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
 month = {Sep}

Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
{Dynamic Interaction Plugins Deployment in Ambient Spaces}, in 5th International Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering 2014 (HCSE'2014) , Oldenburg, Germany , 2014.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author={Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
 title={{Dynamic Interaction Plugins Deployment in Ambient Spaces}},
 booktitle = {5th International Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering 2014 (HCSE'2014)},
 address = {Oldenburg, Germany},
 month = {Sep}

Kai Röhr, Sönke Momsen, Tobias Weiss, Daniel Burmeister, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
{LICS - Light paint coding system: Mobile device based information encoding and decoding using light paintings}, in 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2014) , London, Great Britain , 2014.
Bibtex: BibTeX
 author={Kai Röhr and Sönke Momsen and Tobias Weiss and Daniel Burmeister and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
 title={{LICS - Light paint coding system: Mobile device based information encoding and decoding using light paintings}},
 booktitle = {11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2014)},
 month = {December},
 address = {London, Great Britain}

Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
Describing movements for motion gestures, in 1st International Workshop on Engineering Gestures for Multimodal Interfaces (EGMI 2014) at the sixth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS’14) , Rome, Italy , 2014.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Bashar Altakrouri and  Andreas Schrader},
  title     = {Describing movements for motion gestures},
  booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Engineering Gestures for Multimodal Interfaces (EGMI 2014) at the sixth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS’14)},
  address = {Rome, Italy},
  month = {June},
  year      = {2014}


Lukas Ruge, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
SoundOfTheCity - Continuous Noise Monitoring for a Healthy City, in 5th International Workshop on Smart Environments and Ambient Intelligence (SENAmI 2013) at IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom 2013) , San Diego, California, USA , 2013.
Datei: PID2654877-1.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Lukas Ruge and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {SoundOfTheCity - Continuous Noise Monitoring for a Healthy City},
  booktitle = {5th International Workshop on Smart Environments and Ambient Intelligence (SENAmI 2013) at IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom 2013)},
  address={San Diego, California, USA},
  month={March 18-22},

Darren Carlson, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
Reinventing the Share Button for Physical Spaces, in Demo Session at IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom 2013) , San Diego, California, USA , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Reinventing the Share Button for Physical Spaces},
  booktitle = {Demo Session at IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom 2013)},
  address={San Diego, California, USA},
  month={March 18-22},

Lukas Ruge, and Andreas Schrader,
Persuasion Mobility in Ambient Intelligence, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (Ambient’2013) , Porto, Portugal , 2013.
Datei: download.php
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Lukas Ruge and  Andreas Schrader},
  title     = {Persuasion Mobility in Ambient Intelligence},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (Ambient’2013)},
  address = {Porto, Portugal},
  month = {September},
  year      = {2013},
  url = {}

Bashar Altakrouri, Darren Carlson, and Andreas Schrader,
Sharing kinetic interactions for mobile devices, in HCI International 2013, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International) , Las Vegas, USA , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Bashar Altakrouri and Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Sharing kinetic interactions for mobile devices},
  booktitle = {HCI International 2013, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International)},
  address={Las Vegas, USA},

Darren Carlson, Peter Rothenpieler, and Andreas Schrader,
An Open Infrastructure and Platform for AAL Services, in HCI International 2013, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International) , Las Vegas, USA , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Peter Rothenpieler and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {An Open Infrastructure and Platform for AAL Services},
  booktitle = {HCI International 2013, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International)},
  address={Las Vegas, USA},

Darren Carlson, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
An Ad-hoc Smart Gateway Platform for the Web of Things, in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2013) , Beijing, China , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and  Bashar Altakrouri and  Andreas Schrader},
  title     = {An Ad-hoc Smart Gateway Platform for the Web of Things},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2013)},
  address = {Beijing, China},
  month = {August},
  year      = {2013}

Daniel Burmeister, and Andreas Schrader,
Aktivitaetserkennung fuer Ambient Health Monitoring, in Proceedings of the 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Student Workshop , Luebeck, Germany , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader},
  title     = {Aktivitaetserkennung fuer Ambient Health Monitoring},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Student Workshop},
  address = {Luebeck, Germany},
  month = {September},
  year      = {2013}
Daniel Burmeister, Andreas Schrader, and Darren Carlson,
A Modular Framework for Ambient Health Monitoring, in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Lifelogging for Pervasive Health at the 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) , Venice , 2013.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Daniel Burmeister and Andreas Schrader and Darren Carlson},
  title     = {A Modular Framework for Ambient Health Monitoring},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Lifelogging for Pervasive Health at the 7th International Conference on Pervasive
  Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth)},
  address = {Venice},
  month = {May},
  year      = {2013}


Darren Carlson, Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
AmbientWeb: Bridging the Web's Cyber-physical Gap, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012) , Wuxi, China , 2012.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {AmbientWeb: Bridging the Web's Cyber-physical Gap},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012)},
  address={Wuxi, China},

Darren Carlson, and Andreas Schrader,
Dynamix: An Open Plug-and-Play Context Framework for Android, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012) , Wuxi, China , 2012.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Dynamix: An Open Plug-and-Play Context Framework for Android},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2012)},
  address={Wuxi, China},

Bashar Altakrouri, and Andreas Schrader,
Towards Dynamic Natural Interaction Ensembles, in Proceedings of the fourth Workshop on Physicality (Physicality 2012) co-located with British HCI 2012 conference , {Devina Ramduny-Ellis, Alan Dix and Steve Gill}, Eds. Birmingham University, UK , 2012.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Bashar Altakrouri and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {Towards Dynamic Natural Interaction Ensembles},
  editor={{Devina Ramduny-Ellis, Alan Dix and Steve Gill}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the fourth Workshop on Physicality (Physicality 2012) co-located with British HCI 2012 conference},
  address={Birmingham University, UK},


Darren Carlson, and Andreas Schrader,
{A Wide-area Context-awareness Approach for Android}, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications \& Services , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam , 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {{A Wide-area Context-awareness Approach for Android}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications \& Services},
  address={Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam},

Darren Carlson, and Andreas Schrader,
{Adaptive OSGi-based Context Modeling for Android}, in Proceedings of the 8th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2011) , Copenhagen, Denmark , 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {{Adaptive OSGi-based Context Modeling for Android}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MobiQuitous 2011)},
  address={Copenhagen, Denmark},

Andreas Schrader, Peter Rothenpieler, Stefan Fischer, and Jens-Martin Träder,
{Ambient Socio-Technical Support for Assisted Autonomous Living}, ERCIM News, Special Issue on Ambient Assisted Living , no. 87, 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author={Andreas Schrader and Peter Rothenpieler and Stefan Fischer and Jens-Martin Träder},
	journal={ERCIM News, Special Issue on Ambient Assisted Living},
	title={{Ambient Socio-Technical Support for Assisted Autonomous Living}},

Peter Rothenpieler, Harald Zwingenberg, Darren Carlson, Andreas Schrader, and Stefan Fischer,
{Datenschutz im AAL Service System SmartAssist}, in Proceedings of the 4th Deutscher AAL Kongress , Berlin, Germany , 2011.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Peter Rothenpieler and Harald Zwingenberg and Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader and Stefan Fischer},
  title = {{Datenschutz im AAL Service System SmartAssist}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Deutscher AAL Kongress},
  address={Berlin, Germany},

Andreas Schrader,
{Technische Innovationen zur ambulanten Betreuung pflegebedürftiger Menschen - SmartAssist}, {Berufung Gesundheit Gesundheitsland Schleswig-Holstein - Jahrbuch 2010/2011} , 2011. Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales Schleswig-Holstein.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author={Andreas Schrader},
	journal={{Berufung Gesundheit Gesundheitsland Schleswig-Holstein - Jahrbuch 2010/2011}},
	title={{Technische Innovationen zur ambulanten Betreuung pflegebedürftiger Menschen - SmartAssist}},
	publisher={Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales Schleswig-Holstein}


Peter Rothenpieler, Harald Zwingelberg, Darren Carlson, Andreas Schrader, and Stefan Fischer,
Datenschutz im {AAL} Service System {SmartAssist}, in 4 Deutscher AAL-Kongress 'Innovative Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Von der Forschung für den Markt' (AAL 2011) , Berlin, Germany , 2010.
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author={Peter Rothenpieler and Harald Zwingelberg and Darren Carlson and Andreas Schrader and Stefan Fischer},
	title={Datenschutz im {AAL} Service System {SmartAssist}},
	booktitle={4 Deutscher AAL-Kongress 'Innovative Assistenzsysteme im Dienste des Menschen - Von der Forschung f{\"u}r den Markt' (AAL 2011)},
	address={Berlin, Germany},

Andreas Schrader, Darren Carlson, and Peter Rothenpieler,
SmartAssist - Wireless Sensor Networks for Unobtrusive Health Monitoring, in Proceedings of the 5th BMI Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation , Karlsruhe, Germany , 2010. pp. 84--89.
Datei: BMI10-08.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
	author = {Andreas Schrader and Darren Carlson and Peter Rothenpieler},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th BMI Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation},
	title = {SmartAssist - Wireless Sensor Networks for Unobtrusive Health Monitoring},
	year = 2010,
	address={Karlsruhe, Germany},
	pages = {84--89},
	volume =  678,
        issn = {1613-0073},
	timestamp = {2010.09.21},
	url = {}


Andreas Hein, and Andreas Schrader,
{Ambient Assisted Living (AAL 2009) - Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten mit IuK-Technologien}, in Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2009, Im Focus das Leben , Fischer, S.; Maehle, E.; Reischuk, R., Eds. Lübeck, Germany: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2009.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Andreas Hein and Andreas Schrader},
  title = {{Ambient Assisted Living (AAL 2009) - Gestaltung altersgerechter Lebenswelten mit IuK-Technologien}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2009, Im Focus das Leben},
  editor = {Fischer, S.; Maehle, E.; Reischuk, R.},
  address={Lübeck, Germany},
  publisher={Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)}