Sarah Scheer

Photo of Sarah  Scheer

University of Lübeck
Institute of Telematics
Ratzeburger Allee 160

23562 Lübeck
Gebäude 64, 2nd Floor, Raum 37

Email: sa.scheer(at)
Phone: +49 451 3101 6417


  • 2020: Bachelor of Science at the Universität zu Lübeck in Medieninformatik
  • 2022: Master of Science at the Universität zu Lübeck in Medieninformatik
  • since 01.03.2023: employed at the Institute of Telematics of Prof. Dr. Stefan Fischer
  • since May 2024: part of the Nano Group


Innovative Hochschule 

Internet of Bio Nano Things (IoBNT)