Horst Hellbrück, and Stefan Fischer,
"Basic Analysis and Simulation of Ad-Hoc Networks" 2001.
Datei: hellFisTR01.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer},
  title = {Basic Analysis and Simulation of Ad-Hoc Networks},
  institution = "International University Bruchsal",
  number = "TR01",
  month = "December",
  year = {2001},
  url = {http://www.itm.uni-luebeck.de/users/hellbrueck/pubs/hellFisTR01.pdf}

M. Rose,
"{The Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol Core}" 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "M. Rose",
  title =        "{The Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol Core}",
  institution =  "Invisible Worlds",
  type =         "RFC",
  number =       "3080",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2001",

F. Strauß,
"{SMIng Compliance}" 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{SMIng Compliance}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Internet Draft",
  number =       "$<$draft-ietf-sming-compl-00.txt$>$",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2001",

Ulrich Walther, and Stefan Fischer,
{LocaPhone - Location-Aware Communication for Mobile Groups}, in INET 2001, Stockholm , 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "Ulrich Walther and Stefan Fischer",
  title =        "{LocaPhone - Location-Aware Communication for Mobile Groups}",
  booktitle =    "INET 2001, Stockholm",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2001"


A. Eberhart, and Stefan Fischer,
{Java-Bausteine für E-Commerce-Anwendungen}., .... 2 Carl-Hanser-Verlag, 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {A. Eberhart and Stefan Fischer},
  title = {{Java-Bausteine für E-Commerce-Anwendungen}},
  publisher = {Carl-Hanser-Verlag},
  edition = 2,
  year = 2001

F. Strauß,
"{Concept of a Script MIB based Policy Management System}" 2001.
Datei: policy-concept.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{Concept of a Script MIB based Policy Management System}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Project Report",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2001",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/jasmin/policy-concept.pdf}

Ulrich Walther, and Stefan Fischer,
{Communication Support for Mobile Virtual Groups}, in Tagungsband Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KIVS 2001), Hamburg , 2001.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "Ulrich Walther and Stefan Fischer",
  title =        "{Communication Support for Mobile Virtual Groups}",
  booktitle =    "Tagungsband Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KIVS 2001), Hamburg",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2001"


F. Strauß,
"{A Script MIB based Java Policy Management System}" 2001.
Datei: policy.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{A Script MIB based Java Policy Management System}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Project Report",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2001",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/jasmin/policy.pdf}


F. Strauß,
"{Advantages and Disadvantages of the Script MIB Infrastructure}" 2000.
Datei: evaluation.ps.gz
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{Advantages and Disadvantages of the
         Script MIB Infrastructure}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Project Report",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2000",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/jasmin/evaluation.ps.gz}

F. Strauß,
"{Distribution Models for Network Management Functions}" 2000.
Datei: jasmin-dismod.ps
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{Distribution Models for Network Management Functions}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Project Report",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2000",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/papers/jasmin-dismod.ps}

Ulrich Walther, and Stefan Fischer,
{Group Voice Conferencing for Mobile Environments}, in 9th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Las Vegas, USA , 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "Ulrich Walther and Stefan Fischer",
  title =        "{Group Voice Conferencing for Mobile Environments}",
  booktitle =    "9th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Las Vegas, USA",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2000"


Stefan Fischer, and Ulrich Walther,
{Linux-Netzwerke: Aufbau, Administration und Sicherung}., .... SuSEPress, 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Stefan Fischer and Ulrich Walther},
  title = {{Linux-Netzwerke: Aufbau, Administration und Sicherung}},
  publisher = {SuSEPress},
  year = 2000

Andreas Eberhart, Frank Schiele, and Stefan Fischer,
{The Electronic Course Authoring and Management System at the International University}, in The 4th World Congress on Integrated Design and Process Techology (IDPT'99), veröffentlicht bei der IDPT'2000, Dallas, USA , 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "Andreas Eberhart and Frank Schiele and Stefan Fischer",
  title =        "{The Electronic Course Authoring and Management System at the International University}",
  booktitle =    "The 4th World Congress on Integrated Design and Process Techology (IDPT'99), veröffentlicht bei der IDPT'2000, Dallas, USA",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2000"


Andreas Eberhart, and Stefan Fischer,
JSP, Servlets und XML - Architektur für Anwendungen, LANLine , no. 12/2000, 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Andreas Eberhart and Stefan Fischer},
  title = {JSP, Servlets und XML - Architektur für Anwendungen},
  journal = {LANLine},
  number = {12/2000},
  month = nov,
  year = 2000

Loubna Mekouar, Gregor Bochmann, Stefan Fischer, and Abdelhakim Hafid,
Modeling and Analysis of Cooperative QoS Management, International Journal for Interoperable Communication Networks , vol. 2, no. 4, 2000. Baltzer Science Publishers.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Loubna Mekouar and Gregor von Bochmann and Stefan Fischer and Abdelhakim Hafid},
  title = {Modeling and Analysis of Cooperative QoS Management},
  journal = {International Journal for Interoperable Communication Networks},
  volume = {2},
  number = {4},
  publisher = {Baltzer Science Publishers},
  month = jan,
  year = 2000

Stefan Fischer, Jacek Wytrebowicz, and Stanislaw Budkowski,
Tool Support for Hardware/Software Co-design of Communication Protocols, Computer Communications , vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1158 -- 1168, 2000.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {Stefan Fischer and Jacek Wytrebowicz and Stanislaw Budkowski},
  title = {Tool Support for Hardware/Software Co-design of Communication Protocols},
  journal = {Computer Communications},
  volume = {23},
  number = {12},
  pages = {1158 -- 1168},
  month = jul,
  year = 2000


Stefan Fischer,
Towards the Automatic Generation of QoS-Preserving Implementations from Formal Specifications, Computer Communications , vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 211--223, 1999.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
journal = {Computer Communications},
number = {3},
pages = {211--223},
title = {Towards the Automatic Generation of QoS-Preserving Implementations from Formal Specifications},
volume = {22},
year = {1999},

Stefan Fischer, and Walter Müller,
Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Linux und Unix., .... 2. Auflage Hanser Verlag, 1999.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Walter Müller},
edition = {2. Auflage},
publisher = {Hanser Verlag},
title = {Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Linux und Unix},
year = {1999},

Hermann Meer, Oliver Düsterhöft, and Stefan Fischer,
COSTPN for Modeling and Control of Telecommunication Systems, Applications of Petri Nets to Communication Networks, Special Issue of Advances in Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 1605 , 1999. Springer Verlag.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Hermann de Meer and Oliver Düsterhöft and Stefan Fischer},
journal = {Applications of Petri Nets to Communication Networks, Special Issue of Advances in Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 1605},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
title = {COSTPN for Modeling and Control of Telecommunication Systems},
year = {1999},

F. Strauß, S. Mertens, and S. Brandenburg,
"{The scriptmib Java Package}" 1999.
Datei: scriptmib-java-api.ps
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss} and S. Mertens and S. Brandenburg",
  title =        "{The scriptmib Java Package}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Project Documentation",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1999",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/jasmin/scriptmib-java-api.ps}

F. Strauß,
"{SMIng - A new Structure of Management Information}" 1999.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{SMIng - A new Structure of Management Information}",
  institution =  "TU Braunschweig",
  type =         "Internet Draft",
  number =       "$<$draft-irtf-nmrg-sming-02.txt$>$",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1999",

F. Strauß,
{SMIng - Eine neue Sprache zur Definition von Management-Informationen}, 1999. Diplomarbeit.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{SMIng - Eine neue Sprache zur Definition von
  howpublished = "Diplomarbeit",
  address =      "TU Braunschweig",
  year =         "1999",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/users/strauss/sming/#Documents}


Stefan Fischer, and Hermann Meer,
Cooperative QoS Management, PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation , no. 4/98, pp. 195--201, 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Hermann de Meer},
journal = {PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
number = {4/98},
pages = {195--201},
title = {Cooperative QoS Management},
year = {1998},

Stefan Fischer, and Hermann Meer,
Decision Support for Cooperative QoS Management, in Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'98), Napa Valley, USA , 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Hermann de Meer},
booktitle = {Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE 6th Int. Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'98), Napa Valley, USA},
title = {Decision Support for Cooperative QoS Management},
year = {1998},

Stefan Fischer, and Stefan Leue,
Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , vol. 9-10, no. 30, pp. 865--899, 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Stefan Leue},
journal = {Computer Networks and ISDN Systems},
number = {30},
pages = {865--899},
title = {Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems},
volume = {9-10},
year = {1998},

Stefan Fischer, and Hermann Meer,
QoS Management: A Model-based Approach, in Proc. of MASCOTS'98, Montréal, Kanada , 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Hermann de Meer},
booktitle = {Proc. of MASCOTS'98, Montréal, Kanada},
title = {QoS Management: A Model-based Approach},
year = {1998},

Wolfgang Effelsberg, and Stefan Fischer,
Quality of Service -- Sonderheft der Zeitschrift PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation., .... saur Verlag, 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Wolfgang Effelsberg and Stefan Fischer},
title = {Quality of Service -- Sonderheft der Zeitschrift PIK-Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
month = dec,
number = {4/98},
publisher = {saur Verlag},
year = {1998},

Stefan Fischer, and Hermann Meer,
Using Cooperation in QoS Selection to Reduce Service Cost, in Proc. of Trends in Electronic Commerce'98 (TrEC'98), Hamburg , Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1998.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Hermann de Meer},
booktitle = {Proc. of Trends in Electronic Commerce'98 (TrEC'98), Hamburg},
publisher = {Springer Verlag Heidelberg},
title = {Using Cooperation in QoS Selection to Reduce Service Cost},
year = {1998},


Abdelhakim Hafid, and Stefan Fischer,
A multi-agent architecture for Cooperative QoS Management, in Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (Proceedings of MMNS'97) , Chapman and Hall, London, 1997, pp. 41--54.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Abdelhakim Hafid and Stefan Fischer},
booktitle = {Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (Proceedings of MMNS'97)},
pages = {41--54},
publisher = {Chapman and Hall, London},
title = {A multi-agent architecture for Cooperative QoS Management},
year = {1997},

Stefan Fischer, Mohammed Salem, and Gregor Bochmann,
Application Design for Cooperative QoS Management, in Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE 5th Int. Workshop on Quality of Service, New York City , IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, pp. 191--194.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Mohammed Salem and Gregor von Bochmann},
booktitle = {Proc. of the IFIP/IEEE 5th Int. Workshop on Quality of Service, New York City},
pages = {191--194},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
title = {Application Design for Cooperative QoS Management},
year = {1997},

Hermann Meer, and Stefan Fischer,
Controlled Stochastic Petri Nets for Multimedia QoS Management, in Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB'97) , 1997.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Hermann de Meer and Stefan Fischer},
booktitle = {Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB'97)},
title = {Controlled Stochastic Petri Nets for Multimedia QoS Management},
year = {1997},

Stefan Fischer, Abdelhakim Hafid, Gregor Bochmann, and Hermann Meer,
Cooperative QoS Management for Multimedia Applications, in Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'97), Ottawa, Kanada , IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997, pp. 303--310.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Abdelhakim Hafid and Gregor von Bochmann and Hermann de Meer},
booktitle = {Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'97), Ottawa, Kanada},
pages = {303--310},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
title = {Cooperative QoS Management for Multimedia Applications},
year = {1997},

Stefan Fischer, and Walter Müller,
Intranet -- das Internet im Unternehmen., .... Hanser Verlag, 1997.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Walter Müller},
publisher = {Hanser Verlag},
title = {Intranet -- das Internet im Unternehmen},
year = {1997},


Stefan Fischer,
Implementation of multimedia systems based on a real-time extension of Estelle, in Formal Description Techniques VIII (Proc. of First Joint Int. Conf. FORTE/PSTV'96, Kaiserslautern) , R. Gotzhein and J. Bredereke, Eds. Chapman and Hall, London, 1996.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
publisher = {Chapman and Hall, London},
title = {Implementation of multimedia systems based on a real-time extension of Estelle},
booktitle = {Formal Description Techniques VIII (Proc. of First Joint Int. Conf. FORTE/PSTV'96, Kaiserslautern)},
editor = {R. Gotzhein and J. Bredereke},
year = {1996}

R. Gotzhein, Jan Bredereke, Wolfgang Effelsberg, Stefan Fischer, Thomas Held, and Hartmut König,
Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementation Using Estelle, Computer Communications , vol. 19, no. 14, pp. 1226--1235, 1996.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {R. Gotzhein and Jan Bredereke and Wolfgang Effelsberg and Stefan Fischer and Thomas Held and Hartmut König},
journal = {Computer Communications},
number = {14},
pages = {1226--1235},
title = {Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementation Using Estelle},
volume = {19},
year = {1996},

F. Strauß,
{Das Schwarzsche Alternierende Verfahren in Workstation Clustern}, 1996. Studienarbeit.
Datei: studium.html
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author =       "F. Strau{\ss}",
  title =        "{Das Schwarzsche Alternierende Verfahren in Workstation
  howpublished = "Studienarbeit",
  address =      "TU Braunschweig",
  year =         "1996",
  url =          {http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/users/strauss/studium.html#studienarbeit}

Stefan Fischer, Jacek Wytrebowicz, and Stan Budkowski,
Hardware/Software Co-design of Communication Protocols, in IEEE 22nd Euromicro Conference, Prag , P. Milligan and K. Kuchcinski, Eds. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Jacek Wytrebowicz and Stan Budkowski},
booktitle = {IEEE 22nd Euromicro Conference, Prag},
editor = {P. Milligan and K. Kuchcinski},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
title = {Hardware/Software Co-design of Communication Protocols},
year = {1996},

Stefan Fischer,
Formale Spezifikation und Implementierung von Hochleistungsprotokollen, University of Mannheim, 1996.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
school = {University of Mannheim},
title = {Formale Spezifikation und Implementierung von Hochleistungsprotokollen},
year = {1996},


Eric Lallet, Stefan Fischer, and Jean Francois Verdier,
A New Approach for Distributing Estelle Specifications, in Formal Description Techniques VIII (Proc. of FORTE'95, Montreal, Canada, 1995) , G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli and O. Rafiq, Eds. Chapman and Hall, London, 1995, pp. 439--448.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Eric Lallet and Stefan Fischer and Jean Francois Verdier},
booktitle = {Formal Description Techniques VIII (Proc. of FORTE'95, Montreal, Canada, 1995)},
editor = {G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli and O. Rafiq},
pages = {439--448},
publisher = {Chapman and Hall, London},
title = {A New Approach for Distributing Estelle Specifications},
year = {1995},

Stefan Fischer, and Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Efficient Configuration of Protocol Software for Multiprocessors, in High Performance Networking VI (Proceedings of HPN'95, Palma de Mallorca, Spain) , Ramon Puigjaner, Eds. Chapman and Hall London, 1995, pp. 195--210.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Wolfgang Effelsberg},
booktitle = {High Performance Networking VI (Proceedings of HPN'95, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)},
editor = {Ramon Puigjaner},
pages = {195--210},
publisher = {Chapman and Hall London},
title = {Efficient Configuration of Protocol Software for Multiprocessors},
year = {1995},

Stefan Fischer,
On the Suitability of Estelle for Multimedia Systems, in Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XV (Proceedings of PSTV'95, Warsaw, Poland) , P. Dembinski and M. Sredniawa, Eds. Chapman and Hall London, 1995, pp. 369--384.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
booktitle = {Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XV (Proceedings of PSTV'95, Warsaw, Poland)},
editor = {P. Dembinski and M. Sredniawa},
pages = {369--384},
publisher = {Chapman and Hall London},
title = {On the Suitability of Estelle for Multimedia Systems},
year = {1995},

Stefan Fischer, and Ralf Keller,
Quality of Service Mapping in Distributed Multimedia Systems, in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Networking (MmNet95), Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan , M. Ikeda and S. Saito and B. Sarikaya, Eds. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, pp. 132--141.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Ralf Keller},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Networking (MmNet95), Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan},
editor = {M. Ikeda and S. Saito and B. Sarikaya},
pages = {132--141},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
title = {Quality of Service Mapping in Distributed Multimedia Systems},
year = {1995},


Stefan Fischer, and Bernd Hofmann,
An Estelle Compiler for Multiprocessor Platforms, in Formal Description Techniques VI Proceedings of FORTE'93, Boston, USA, October 1993 , R.L. Tenney and P.D. Amer and M.Ü. Uyar, Eds. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994, pp. 171--186.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer and Bernd Hofmann},
booktitle = {Formal Description Techniques VI Proceedings of FORTE'93, Boston, USA, October 1993},
editor = {R.L. Tenney and P.D. Amer and M.Ü. Uyar},
pages = {171--186},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. North-Holland, Amsterdam},
title = {An Estelle Compiler for Multiprocessor Platforms},
year = {1994},

Stefan Fischer,
Das Rechnernetzepraktikum an der Universität Mannnheim, PIK -- Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation , vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 58--59, 1994.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
journal = {PIK -- Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
number = {1},
pages = {58--59},
title = {Das Rechnernetzepraktikum an der Universität Mannnheim},
volume = {17},
year = {1994},

Ralf Keller, Stefan Fischer, and Wolfgang Effelsberg,
Implementing Movie Control, Access and Management -- from a Formal Description to Working Multimedia System, in IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS14, Posen, Poland , Liba Svobodova , Eds. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Ralf Keller and Stefan Fischer and Wolfgang Effelsberg},
booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS14, Posen, Poland},
editor = {Liba Svobodova },
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
title = {Implementing Movie Control, Access and Management -- from a Formal Description to Working Multimedia System},
year = {1994},


Stefan Fischer,
Generierung paralleler Systeme aus Estelle-Spezifikationen, University of Mannheim, 1992.
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Stefan Fischer},
school = {University of Mannheim},
title = {Generierung paralleler Systeme aus Estelle-Spezifikationen},
year = {1992},

J. Bloomer,
Powert Programming with RPC., .... O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc., 1992.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author = {J. Bloomer},
  title = {Powert Programming with RPC},
  publisher = {O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc.},
  year = 1992,