At the ITM we regularly perform a research projects with partners from industry and academics within funded regional, national and European programs
Research Projects
The „Center for Open Innovation in Connected Health“ is an academic center at the University of Lübeck with an open interdisciplinary alliance of scientific institutions and innovative companies, helping to design the future of connected health. - Primary Doctor's Office of the Future
Within the scope of this project, telemedical approaches for the primary doctor's office of the future are scientifically evaluated. The first step will be to ascertain which telemedical solutions may offer additional benefits to the medical supply from the perspective of the users. In addition, determinants are identified for the appropriate implementation of these solutions in the local care sector. - Ambient Care
The project aims at the user-centered development and evaluation of a socio-technical system for context-aware provisioning and communication of professional or clinical, i.e. patient or resident-related, information. - ParkProTrain
In this project, a tablet-based training program for parkinson patients will be implemented, which will be performed during and after inpatient treatment. It supports Parkinson's patients to continue the learned physical-activating exercises under guidance on a regular basis in their daily lives. The adjustments and / or increase of the different exercises take place on the basis of the evaluations of the training program on an administration panel ("cockpit") for the physiotherapist. It is expected to increase the quality of life (PDQ-39) and social participation (IMET), as well as delay the progression of the impairment. - Digital Test Field Highway and Railway - Project Intelligent Bridge
(Multiple follow-up projects of iBAST) Bridges are subject to a continual process of aging and injury and require continuous monitoring and maintenance, which is associated with considerable costs. Under acute pressure on costs, these measures are often minimized, which in the past led to the expansion of existing damage. The aim of this project is therefore to design a cost effective building management and maintenance through continuous monitoring with advanced information technology. Through the use of sensor network technology, existing measurements in the form of manual inspections should not be replaced but seamlessly complemented.
Completed Projects
- OrganiCity
Das Organicity-Projekt entwickelt das Konzept "Experimente als Service": In drei europäischen Städten (London, Santander, Aarhus) können Bürger, Unternehmen und die Stadt gemeinsam digitale Lösungen für städtische Herausforderungen entwerfen und umsetzen. Die Organicity-Platform erlaubt den Experimentierenden einfachen Zugriff auf Internet-basierte Services, die die Daten aus tausenden Sensoren zusammenführen und geordnet bereitstellen. - Firestation (EU FP7 Call 5 CSA)
Firestation supports all FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) projects - both facility and research projects - in their cooperation with each other and with international communities such as GENI. A major task is the operation of the so-called "FIRE Architecture Board". - Hybrides Unterwasser-Umweltmonitoring („Zukunft Meer“)
Hybrid underwater environmental monitoring is a project to investigate the feasibility of monitoring water conditions using sensor networks and mobile robots. - iBAST Bridges are subject to a continual process of aging and injury and require continuous monitoring and maintenance, which is associated with considerable costs. Under acute pressure on costs, these measures are often minimized, which in the past led to the expansion of existing damage. The aim of this project is therefore to design a cost effective building management and maintenance through continuous monitoring with advanced information technology. Through the use of sensor network technology, existing measurements in the form of manual inspections should not be replaced but seamlessly complemented.
- IoT-I (EU FP7 Call 5 CSA)
The IoT initiative (IoT-i)works on a joint European strategic vision of the Internet of Things. It bootstraps the IOT International Forum. - OR.NET - Sichere und dynamische Vernetzung in Operationsaal und Klinik
Nowadays, numerous medical device vendors produce a large variety of medical device systems with different diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. New challenges arise to integrate these medical device systems in existing operating rooms and to connect them with complex clinical IT infrastructures. At the same time, a growing demand for using different and new medical device systems is emerging.
In the OR.NET project, medical device vendors, clinicians, research institutes and even regulators pave the way to design novel software architectures for future hospitals. The project focusses in particular on the interoperability and safe use of distributed medical device systems. Previous projects aimed on technical feasability, whereas OR.NET aimes on future infrastructures that will be convertible to practical use and be approvable by means of regulatory affairs.
Tools: OSCP-Explorer - SmartLübeck
The ITM is member of the Smart City Research Center Lübeck (SmartCiRCLe). In this context we are performing several activities in the city of Lübeck with partners from Science, Industry and Government. - SmartSantander (EU FP7 Call 5 IP)
In this project we build a city-scale experimental research facility for applications and services of a Smart City. We envision the deployment of in total 20,000 sensors in Belgrade, Guildford, Lübeck and Santander. In addition to the experimental platform we aim to provide useful services and applications for the inhabitants of the cities. - SPITFIRE (EU FP7 Call 5 STREP)
The goal of SPITFIRE is to investigate unified concepts, methods, and software infrastructures that facilitate the efficient development of applications that span and integrate the Internet and the embedded world. The key metric of success for our project is the effort required for development of robust, interoperable, and scalable applications in the Internet of Things (IoT). - Ensembles (BMBF)
In this project, we propose and study a radical change in the process of developing and deploying of interaction techniques. We aim to develop an interactive ecosystem from dynamically composed interaction components (Interaction Ensembles) according to users’ physical context, abilities, and preferences. - BikeWars!
The "BikeWars!" shows the potential of the SmartAssist platform. BikeWars is a multiplayer social exercise game which uses the health sensor values to improve training results and increase enjoyment during exercise. In BikeWars two or more bikers train together in a virtual bike race using home training bikes. - Real-World G-Lab (BMBF)
The G-Lab project develops a Germany-wide research and experimental facility used to investigate the interplay between new technologies and the requirements of emerging applications. The goal of the G-Lab project is to foster experimentally driven research to exploit Future Internet technologies. - SmartAssist (BMBF)
In the project SmartAssist, ambient in-home sensors in conjunction with a mobile component are used to monitor sudden or subtle changes in the daily routine. Through the integration of open standards (Android, OSGi, OpenSocial, etc.), the system can be extended in a flexible manner through context-sensitive services. - WISEBED (EU FP7 STREP)
WISEBED provides a multi-level infrastracture of interconnected testbeds of largescale wireless sensor networks for research purposes, pursuing an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the aspects of hardware, software, algorithms, and data. This will demonstrate how heterogeneous small-scale devices and testbeds can be brought together to form well-organized, large-scale structures, rather than just some large network. - FRONTS (EU FP7 STREP)
The aim of FRONTS is to provide a unifying scientific framework and a coherent set of design rules, for global systems resulting from the integration of autonomous interacting entities, dynamic multi-agent environments and ad-hoc mobile networks. - SwarmNet (DFG)
SwarmNet is to addresses problems that arise in networks during self-organized setup and operation. The sensor networks we consider consist of a potentially huge number of independent small devices that can communicate only by radio transmission. These devices are generally equipped with very scarce resources like energy, computing power and memory. - FleGSens (BSI)
FleGSens is a monitoring system for critical areas and properties which incorporates mechanisms to ensure information security. The prototype consists of 200 wirelessly communicating sensor nodes for monitoring a 500m long land strip. The system is focused on ensuring integrity and authenticity of generated alarms and availability in the presence of an attacker who may even compromise a limited number of sensor nodes. - AutoNomos (DFG SPP 1183)
In the AutoNomos project we use methods from the field of Organic Computing, in order to develop a distributed, self-organizing traffic information system. - MarathonNet
- L2D2
- Swarms
- TeKoMed
- ANSim
- FlowerNet

- Research
- Projects